Creative Fabrica is a community of people who love to create, craft, inspire, and support each other. To be able to offer a pleasant and safe experience for everyone using the social feed, we ask you to follow these guidelines.
Violations of these guidelines may result in content removal, disabled accounts, or other restrictions.
Be nice and respect each other.
Remember to be friendly and respectful towards fellow community members. We understand that we all get frustrated and angry from time to time, it’s part of the human experience. But, please make sure to always be nice and respect each others' opinions. If you do have any feedback for others, communicate your feedback in a respectful and constructive manner. At the end of the day, we all belong to the same community, so let’s support each other and spread positivity!
Don’t be a bully
Creative Fabrica is not a place to hurt or abuse individuals or groups of people. It’s never OK to bully, harass, threaten, or attack anyone on the platform. These include remarks that belittle, humiliate, or make them uncomfortable. We understand the harmful effect that abusive content or behavior can have on individuals, and we don’t want to make anyone here feel like they don’t belong. Therefore, we do not tolerate bullying or harassment of any kind.
It is prohibited to post hateful content or engage in hateful activities, such as promoting negative stereotypes, discriminating against others, or attacking individuals based on their race, color, caste, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, weight, or disability, to name a few.
If you see, or are a victim of any of this behavior, we urge you to reach out and report it to us at
Don’t post nudity or sexually explicit content
We understand that some people might want to showcase sexual content in a creative or artistic manner. But, sexualized content tends to bring some risks, namely offending individuals in certain cultures, or making certain individuals feel uncomfortable. So, for this and other reasons, we don’t allow any nudity, mature, sexually explicit or gratifying content on the platform. This consists of vivid sexual descriptions, and images, videos, and animated content that depict sexual activities and suggest pornographic intent. Instead, we encourage you to promote or distribute content that is appropriate for a diverse audience.
Authenticity is important
We want Creative Fabrica to be a platform where designers and crafters showcase original content. So, remember to publish original content and share content that you have the right to share. Do not post content that infringes others’ intellectual property rights.
Do not pretend to be someone else. We strictly prohibit fake accounts or pages, so don’t try to impersonate someone else by creating an account with their name and personal information, or deceive people into thinking that you’re someone you’re not with the intention of misleading others. Instead, stay true to your amazing self!
We want Creative Fabrica to be filled with high quality content, so avoid engaging in any spammy activities, including posting content that is repetitive, posting unsafe or deceptive links, posting content that misleads others, or sending unsolicited messages to other community members.
Illegal activities and self-harm are not welcome on the platform
The rule is simple - don’t break the law. Creative Fabrica is not a place to engage in any illegal activities, and we have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to breaking the law. It is not allowed to promote terrorism, organized hate groups, illegal weapons, illegal drugs, counterfeit goods or sexual services. Also, we want to provide a safe place for everyone in the community. Therefore, it is prohibited to post content that glorifies self harm, including suicide, self-injury, or eating disorders.
Don’t post any private information, especially to harass someone
It is prohibited to share any personal information for the purpose of harassing someone. Private information can be many things such as passport information, login information, a phone number, home address, health information, or social security number. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you find any personal or sensitive information about you on the platform.
Don’t post violent or disturbing content
To ensure that Creative Fabrica remains an appropriate platform for everyone, please do not post any content that showcases or glorifies violence, or content that is sadistic or excessively gruesome. We don’t want to scare or make anyone feel uncomfortable.
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